The index of recommended personal socialization resources (direct linked listings to a variety of online dating sites and relationship assistance resources that are PG-rated and intended as safe viewing for the mature general public).
Singles Dating Match
Where smart singles go online for sexy, intelligent and romantic dating matches to find their soul mate.
Nuptial Businesses
A manually edited directory of quality businesses that are in the business of making wedding event planning easier and less stressful, and making wedding days better and brighter.
Honorable Intent
Relationship & marital advice. Self help for partners, life partner tips & couples counseling.
Honorable Intentions
Relationship & marital advice. Reviving the excitement of being in love. Staying in love. Communicating better and understanding each other. Spousal love and support. Staying together & staying happy together. Self help for partners, life partner tips & coaching; couples counseling. General Directory Index Website Home Page
Our website hyperlinked listings pages are intended only for useful resources. Feel free to report any listing you find that is not helpful or as offensive, contact Doug Peters.
Many of the resource and information sites listed on this page are intended to be helpful for online professionals because that is my experience.
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